
Great Slaty becomes World’s Largest Woodpecker as Ivory Billed Goes Extinct

Great Slaty becomes World’s Largest Woodpecker as Ivory Billed Goes Extinct 22 November 2021 | Vibhav peri | Crises The Great Slaty Woodpecker, once the largest woodpecker in India, is now the largest woodpecker in the world. This is because of the extinction of its western relative, the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. The bird was last seen …

Great Slaty becomes World’s Largest Woodpecker as Ivory Billed Goes Extinct Read More »

The Glaciers of Africa may Disappear in the Next 2 Decades due to Global Warming

The glaciers of africa may disappear in the next 2 decades due to global warming 21 OCTOBER 2021 | Vibhav peri | Crises A report released by the World Meteorological Organisation during the ongoing World Meteorological Congress on Tuesday warns that the rare glaciers of East-Tropical Africa, including the snow on the famous Mount Kilimanjaro, …

The Glaciers of Africa may Disappear in the Next 2 Decades due to Global Warming Read More »

Severe Floods Across India cause Great Destruction

severe floods across india cause great destruction 19 OCTOBER 2021 | Vibhav peri | Crises Torrential rains and landslides in Kerala, and a cloudburst in Uttarakhand, have caused several deaths and have caused immense devastation, in addition to killing and damaging the biodiversity and pristine ecological sites in the states. The IMD (India Meteorological Department) …

Severe Floods Across India cause Great Destruction Read More »

Understanding the Amendments to the Forest Conservation Act

The proposed amendments to the forest act 18 OCTOBER 2021 | Vibhav peri | environmental LAW The Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change has proposed roughly three amendments to the Forest Conservation Act, mainly to to make the process of facilitating oil and gas exploration in forests:  Exemptions: The amendment grants exemptions to many …

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Central Vista Project- Jamun Trees Uprooted, Pictures of Destruction emerge

Shocking pictures of the ravaged paths leading to Rashtrapati Bhavan and India Gate have emerged, in which the distinct, century old Jamun Trees, several British-era Lamp Posts, and other structures and trees are missing, making netizens explode in anger and sorrow. In the picture of the path leading to India Gate, a barren road with …

Central Vista Project- Jamun Trees Uprooted, Pictures of Destruction emerge Read More »

Deadly Heat Waves to become more Common in Southern Asia

A new study suggests that deadly heat waves will become more common in South Asia in the coming years, even if global temperature rise is limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Scientists have said that this could create unsafe labour conditions across Asia, especially for construction and mining labour as well as farmers, which may cause …

Deadly Heat Waves to become more Common in Southern Asia Read More »

MoEFCC plans to replace Air, Water and Environmental Acts with a Single Law

MoEFCC has revealed plans to replace Air, Water and Environmental Acts with a Single Law. According to Policy researchers, they have been working on this law since 2014 but operations were behind closed-doors. An official who asked not to be named said that the older laws have provisions to shut down the industries of violators, …

MoEFCC plans to replace Air, Water and Environmental Acts with a Single Law Read More »

Hundreds of Birds Drop Dead in Rome after Fireworks are burst for the New Year

Hundreds of birds dropped dead on the streets of Rome on New Year’s eve after people set of fireworks at midnight to celebrate the start of the New Year. Restrictions on Banning of Fireworks Animal rights activist have called it a ‘massacre’ and demand that governments across the world enforce restrictions on bursting of crackers …

Hundreds of Birds Drop Dead in Rome after Fireworks are burst for the New Year Read More »

Rajasthan likely to free land in Bharatpur for Pink Sandstone Mining

At Band Baretha Wildlife Park in Sanctuary, Rajasthan, a patch of land is set to be denotified for pink sandstone mining. The pink sandstone will solely be used for construction of the Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir in Ayodhya. Pink Sandstone is known for its beautiful light sunrise-pink shade. More than 1 lakh cubit feet of land …

Rajasthan likely to free land in Bharatpur for Pink Sandstone Mining Read More »

Vultures reintroduced in wild by Jatayu Vulture Conservation and Breeding Centre

The Jatayu Vulture Conservation and breeding centre, an ex-situ vulture conservation organization, has released its first batch of vultures into the wild, on October 8, 2020. The vultures bred there included three species: The white-rumped, the slender-billed and the long-billed. However, only 8 white-rumped vultures, aged 6-8 years, were released recently, and the BNHS and …

Vultures reintroduced in wild by Jatayu Vulture Conservation and Breeding Centre Read More »

Reason 1 for Biodiversity loss: Changes in land and sea use, including habitat loss and degradation

Humans have altered over 75% of all ice-free land on earth. The two ways this has been done using are: Habitat Fragmentation Habitat Fragmentation is the breaking and scattering of habitats into several pieces. For example, dividing a forest by building a railway track means that wildlife on one side cannot communicate with wildlife on the …

Reason 1 for Biodiversity loss: Changes in land and sea use, including habitat loss and degradation Read More »

68% of Wildlife lost in the Past 50 Years

Recently, The World Wide Fund for nature (WWF) in collaboration with the Zoological Society of London released the ‘Living Planet Report 2020,’ which was the combined efforts of 120 experts who analyzed and studied over 20,000 communities of roughly 4,000 species. The report uncovered the horrifying losses in biodiversity around the world. According to it, …

68% of Wildlife lost in the Past 50 Years Read More »

Why the amount of roadkill after lockdown will increase soon

COVID-19 lockdown reduced roadkill levels drastically, by about 60% by keeping drivers away from the roads, especially highways. Animals crossing roads are crushed to death by speeding cars around sharp turns or sometimes due to lack of control over their speed. COVID-19 allowed animals to be free, to venture onto roads and into cities. The …

Why the amount of roadkill after lockdown will increase soon Read More »

Poaching and Habitat Loss Rates Soar in COVID-19 lockdown

The decrease of wildlife tourism led to a surge in poaching. Lockdown helped many animals, but those animals were primarily common, non-threatened animals, which live in abundance. For the most part, however, animals lost their habitats in large swathes as governments quietly gave clearance to mining and other industrial projects. In Asia The Indian MoEFCC …

Poaching and Habitat Loss Rates Soar in COVID-19 lockdown Read More »

Renowned herpetologist Romulus Whitaker on the King Cobra

Popularly known as the ‘Snake man of India’ renowned herpetologist Romulus Whitaker founded the Agumbe Rainforest Research Station after winning the Whitley Award (known as the Green Oscar) in 2005. He also founded the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and the Madras Snake Park. He helped rehabilitate the Irula tribe, who used to catch snakes but …

Renowned herpetologist Romulus Whitaker on the King Cobra Read More »

The Asian Vulture Crisis of the 1990s

India had a very high number of vultures in the 1980s. The white rumped vulture alone had a population of about 60 million then. In total, India had 9 species of vultures, which were the following: Indian Vulture –Gyps indicus. Red-Headed Vulture –Sarcogyps calvus. Slender-Billed Vulture –Gyps tenuirostris. White-rumped Vulture –Gyps bengalensis. Cinereous Vulture –Aegypius monachus. …

The Asian Vulture Crisis of the 1990s Read More »