The glaciers of africa may disappear in the next 2 decades due to global warming

21 OCTOBER 2021 | Vibhav peri | Crises

A report released by the World Meteorological Organisation during the ongoing World Meteorological Congress on Tuesday warns that the rare glaciers of East-Tropical Africa, including the snow on the famous Mount Kilimanjaro, may disappear due to Global Warming within the next 2 decades.

The Ruwenzori of Uganda and Mount Kenya are some of the other mountains of which their glaciers are melting faster than the global average.

The secretary of the WMO,  Petteri Taalas, stated that the lack of climate data from large parts of Africa which are rural, is having a major impact on disaster warnings. “The rapid shrinking of the last remaining glaciers in eastern Africa, which are expected to melt entirely in the near future, signals the threat of imminent and irreversible change to the Earth system”, he said

The report serves as a reminder that the people of Africa are some of the most vulnerable communities on the planet. Scientists predict that in Africa, there will be mass displacement, famine, water shortage, droughts and flooding in the future. Over 118 million people living below $1.9 will be exposed to these natural disasters by 2030.

Image Credits: By © Sergey Pesterev / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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