Backyard birding during COVID-19 lockdown

Birding is an activity that can be done from anywhere, which is why many birders are now birding from their balconies and gardens. With everyone inside, more and more birds are coming out of the wild and are more active than usual. It is also the nesting season of several passerines (perching songbirds) like sparrows, white-eyes, crows, starlings, bulbuls, etc. In India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, the rosy starlings have also arrived. They will stop for a week or two before proceeding towards china to eat not only locusts (these insects are considered pests as they ravage crops) but also the crops themselves!

I have also begun birding with my mother from my balcony. Since summer is arriving, the large container of water is continuously visited by birds, thirsty from the heat. The season has also brought several summer migratory birds like orioles and rosy starlings. The starlings’ chatter is a constant background noise for us!

Oriental White-eye or Indian White-eye
Rose-ringed parakeet
Indian Golden Oriole
Large-billed Crow
Brown-headed Barbet

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